Tag Archives: thrift store

New Year

2 Jan

One thing I’m really looking forward to in the new house is that there are no stairs. Not because I’m lazy, but because the children are constitutionally incapable of going up and down without acting, and sounding, like an entire herd of thundering elephants.

Food waste: some bean soup I defrosted. We ate some but there was just too much of it. Note to self: freeze in smaller portions. Some chia seeds I had soaking. It should have occurred to me that I can’t just keep adding seeds and water to the solution. Part of a tomato that drifted to the bottom of the fruit bowl and acted like an apple until it got a bit black. I bravely ate the unaffected portion. And the usual suspects from the children’s lunches.

I filled the trunk of my car on Sunday and took it to the Goodwill: clothes, toys, books, old kitchen stuff. I also shredded many documents with the able help of #1Child, who’s discovered a new avocation in shredding. And I sold another book on half.com and several magazines on ebay. I freecycled two decrepit kids’ bikes and a open container of goldfish (the goldfish kept dying, we moved onto a sturdy betta fish). I think I can get rid of 3 bookcases, a couple of small storage units, the enormous and unwieldy dresser in #2Child’s room, and my huge desk which is just a clutter magnet anyway. Phew!